Monday, March 24, 2014

Spring break nations and such

When I was a kid (16-17) I got totally hooked on car audio because of "Daytona Spring Break Nationals". All the amazing cars and installs was the last nail in the coffin for me.  I have missed a few but have attended in the last 8 or so years.  This year I had a few customers cars go, but I missed it.
    I herd from some good friends that it was much better then years past.  You see attendance, noise ordinance, economy and all sorts of stuff have really been hurting Paul and SBN (Spring Break Nationals). I am really glad to hear that it has bounced back nicely.  I am sad that I missed it.
    Manufactures really should make a showing for SBN, and retails should use it as a tool to help build excitement around the industry.  One of my customer took 3rd, Electronics Depot is already planning the next stages of his install (maybe he will take 1st next year).

Here are a few pics,